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Unlocking Understanding: Understanding Difficult Behaviors and Emotional Dysregulation

When a child who has experienced trauma melts down emotionally or struggles with big behaviors, the adults in their life can struggle to know how to make sense of exactly what is happening, or to know how to best help. Even if you logically know that trauma and adverse experiences can impact youth behavior - it can still be incredibly difficult to make sense of the complexity of the most difficult moments. In this training, we’ll focus on equipping you with information that will help you to better understand difficult behaviors, emotional dysregulation, in addition to providing you with actionable tips and tools that you can use in response. In this training.
You’ll learn:
- How trauma impacts the nervous system, and how this is connected to “big” behaviors like aggression, opposition, lying, stealing, and more
- Why and how kids can sometimes *want* to stop a behavior, but still can’t seem to do it (and how to help)
- Brain-based information to help you make sense of the hardest moments
- Brain-based strategies for responding to emotional dysregulation and big behaviors compassionately, supportively, and with the nervous system in mind

May 22

Unconscious Bias

July 17

Language of Inclusion