California CASA is honored to be an active voice for our network, advocating at the state level. We listen to the needs of children in foster care, expressed by CASA volunteers and staff in the field, and we speak up in favor of legislation and policies that support a child’s journey through the system to a safe, permanent home.
California CASA speaks up for children in foster care by bringing their needs to lawmakers’ and policymakers’ attention. Local, state, and national legislators call upon California CASA, a respected authority on child welfare, to provide the CASA perspective. And, when necessary, we advocate for the initiation and enactment of legislation that ensures a fair and effective child welfare system.
For the 2024 legislative session, Senator Josh Newman sponsored CASA Appreciation Day SCR 130 (Newman D29). We were pleased the 8,600+ CASA volunteers around the state were recognized on April 18, 2024 for their dedication and advocacy on behalf of youth in foster care. They donated more than 400,000 hours of their collective time to support more than 12,000 children and youth in foster care around the state.
Policy Forums
California CASA staff members provide their insights, experiences, and expertise to policy makers and elected officials. We have represented the network on many high-level statewide policy forums, including: California Child Welfare Council, California Child Welfare Council Permanency Committee, California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care, California Department of Health Care Services Quality Improvement Project: Improving the Use of Psychotropic Medication among Children and Youth in Foster Care, Step Up Coalition, and Foster Care Ombudsperson’s Office: Foster Youth Bill of Rights Updates.
National CASA Association: Public Policy
California CASA staff members also serve on National CASA Association’s Policy Committees, including:
Public Policy Committee, aimed at improving federal level resources and systems related to CASA and child welfare.
Legal Representation Committee, which seeks to develop an understanding of best practices related to the coordination of best interests and legal representation of children and youth in child dependency cases nationwide.